Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My 2007 Wedding Season

These are a collection of some of my favorite images from my first season as a wedding photographer. They come from several different weddings, some where I was second shooting for A Fine Image, others were my own jobs. Thanks for looking.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day Blog, Round 2

Amanda, my family and I (minus Matt, who moved to Key West today), went to Mystic, CT to spend Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's (Carol and Billy) house. Thanksgiving dinner was great, as usual with 2 count 'em 2 birds, 1 fried, 1 regular. These photos are of their grandchildren, Helena and Tyler.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Bloggin

These photos are from the famous BYOB party of two thousand and seven. The object of the gathering was to make yourself look like your favorite beverage, i was harry potter. harry potter is not a drink, he is a wizard.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sharon & Gordy 11/10/07

So my friends Sharon and Gordy got married today. I used to work with Sharon at Noah's, and through that, got to meet Gordy too. They are a great couple, and Dan and I had fun shooting their wedding today. The wedding was at Whispering PInes, a beautiful conference center out in the woods of Exeter, or West Greenwich that has something to do with URI. Anyway, here are a few of the pictures I've done so far.